Perfect Ten Page 6
The age old argument reared its ugly head in my mind, and I felt compelled to repeat it. “Well, I do wonder about that, but seriously, girls, you haven’t seen him yet. You don’t understand. Why would someone who looks like him …”
“Stop! Stop right this minute. I don’t want to hear it again.” Every once in a while, Gracie got truly angry with me over my insecurities, and my bald, honest truth as I see it. Susie and Chloe were nodding their heads in agreement. I can’t blame them, though. I annoy myself sometimes, but it’s hard to change when my family makes sure I never forget my shortcomings.
My friends are right, too. I know they are. Deep down, I know I’m worth it. Aside from my weight and my somewhat unruly hair, I’m not too bad on the eyes. I have a good job, albeit a little boring, I love animals, I’m kind—why couldn’t I land a hottie? Because I don’t live in a fantasy world, that’s why. Hotties don’t go out with the fat girl. And here I am… full circle. Right back to the biggest insecurity of them all. Crap!
“Look. I know what I sound like. Hell, babies whine less than I do, but…” Dammit, there’s the ‘but’ again. I raised my gaze to the ceiling and let out an agitated breath, rolling my eyes at myself. When I looked at my friends again, I saw nothing but love and understanding in their eyes. Why couldn’t I have grown up getting that kind of love and support from my family? Ugh.
My lips curved upward into an involuntary smile. My head shook left to right as my shoulders lifted up in a shrug. “Okay. No ‘buts’. I’m awesome, and I’m curvy, not fat. I have a good job; I’m fun to be around, so why wouldn’t Joe want me? Of course, he would.”
“Damn straight.”
“He’d be the luckiest guy alive.”
“I bet he’d like to see you wearing nothing but that smile.”
The last comment was from Chloe, of course. Sex on the brain twenty-four/seven. Chloe was our ‘little rough around the edges’ girl. Sometimes, Gracie was, too. Susan and I were the ‘nice’ girls.
Another eye roll escaped me that I couldn’t contain, and I said, “Enough. No more talk about Joe.” We moved onto other subjects, most of them revolving around the wedding and my jerk of a family, but my mind was firmly lodged in Joeland.
A little while later, I looked at my watch and couldn’t believe how much time had gone by. “Holy crap. I have to go start getting ready.”
Chloe stood up with me. “You’re leaving, too?”
Chloe’s lips were compressed into a straight line. They brooked no argument. “Hell, yes, I’m leaving. I’m coming home with you. The girls are taking the rest of my appointments for the afternoon. I’m doing your hair.” And that was that. She grabbed her bag and walked to the door.
There was no use trying to change her mind when she had that look on her face. My sigh may have been a tad overdone as I waved to the other girls and followed Chloe out the door, but truth be told, I was relieved she was going to do something with my riotous curls.
“WHAT IN THE hell is going on with this tie?” Yes, I was talking to myself. Sort of. Heidi was hanging with me, watching me get dressed though, so I wasn’t truly alone. She’d help if she could. “I wish you could tie this for me, pretty girl.” Heidi wagged her tail in utter bliss, simply because I looked at her. Maybe Heidi could tell Faith how awesome I was.
Orange maybe wasn’t the best color on the color wheel, but it worked for me and I wanted to match Faith’s dress. I had to guess at the particular shade of orange to go with, but a fall wedding theme would use darker shades, wouldn’t you think? Yeah, me too.
“Finally.” My orange tie was hanging perfectly straight with a hard won perfect knot at my neck while the rest lay against a stark white shirt. I tucked the bottom half into my black silk vest, leaving several inches of color exposed. A few quick tugs on the bottom of my tuxedo jacket and everything snapped together—straight and crisp.
“What do you think, girl? Will I do?” When I turned away from the mirror to look at Heidi, her head was cocked to the side and her tail was still wagging. I took that as a yes.
The half hour I still had left, before I could leave to pick up Faith went by slowly. Too slowly. I actually checked the Internet to make sure my watch was right. This was the first date in years where I could remember feeling nervous. Not nervous really—I guess excited was the right word.
I know I’ve become jaded about dating. Not just about dating either, but about women in general. And it was starting to bother me. Women used to be fun. My blood used to rush at the thought of taking a beautiful woman out, knowing almost without a doubt that I’d be having sex that night. That I’d have her legs wrapped around me as I pounded into her. That I’d watch her lips slide over me as my hands tangled in her hair. Just thinking about those things made my cock twitch. I mean, I’m not uninterested; it’s just gotten to be boring—monotonous. I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but I think I’m going to give up sex for a while. Maybe my decision has something to do with Faith, too. Who knows, but I want that spark back. I want dating and sex and simply being with a woman to be fun again.
At last, my watch showed three-thirty. I could finally get going. On my way out the door, I gave Heidi a pat on the head, assuring her that her Aunt Tracey would be over soon to stay with her.
Tracey’s my twenty-one-year-old sister. She lives in blue scrubs and white Crocs. It’s all I ever see her dressed in. Currently, she’s in nursing school and grabs any chance to stay at my place. She still technically lives at home, but with my mother freshly re-married, Tracey likes to give the newlyweds some time alone, and with my line of work, she’s able to do that a couple times a week. It’s a win-win for everyone.
I was just getting into my truck when Tracey pulled into the parking garage. “Hey, bro.” She gave me a peck on the cheek as I ruffled her hair, much to her annoyance. “So who’s the hottie tonight? Bored wife? Dateless spinster?”
My sister is understandably cynical about my profession. Her attitude didn’t used to affect me at all, but tonight it stung. “No. I’m escorting a really nice girl to her sister’s wedding.”
Tracey raised her eyebrows as her head cocked sideways, looking me directly in the eye. “Hmm, something’s different. What’s up?”
I wasn’t ready to discuss my strange feelings about Faith, even though my sister would be the first one I would talk to about her. She’s a romantic soul. And, even though she hates my chosen profession, she blindly supports me. Truth be told, I adore her, and dote on her more than I should. She’s still fighting me about paying me back for her schooling. “Nothing’s up. Just another job.”
“No. You can fool other people, Joe, but not me. I know you. What is it? Are you getting tired of being a stud-for-hire?” I’m sure she noticed the way my back straightened and the way I defiantly crossed my arms. Even though she was right, no one likes to admit knowing they did something slightly distasteful, no matter how successful they were at it.
“I don’t have time for this, Trace. Let’s just say this date is different and leave it at that, okay?” My voice was harsher than I intended, which stuck in my mind. That was something I’d think about later.
Tracey’s manner instantly softened to how she usually was with me. One-hundred percent accepting and loving. She wrapped me up in her arms. “Sure, Joe. But if you think you want this date to be special, take the Lexus, not the truck.”
She was right, of course. What was I thinking taking the truck? I just knew I didn’t want to take the Audi. From the little I knew of Faith, she wouldn’t appreciate my R8. It was too flashy. It screamed ‘I have money.’ That’s really not why I bought it. I bought it because I liked it. Period.
On the drive over, my heart started beating faster and my palms got sweaty. I was that nervous. Me. I don’t get nervous—ever. Not anymore. I learned long ago that money could make any problem go away, but then I haven’t really cared about anything important in a long time, outside of
my family, that is. I sure didn’t care what people thought about what I did for a living, but I don’t want Faith looking at me the way other people do when they find out. Her opinion matters to me.
After what seemed like forever, and all too soon at the same time, I arrived at Faith’s. Okay, time to bring forth my A-game. My palms were still a little damp, but I was good. I thought.
The doorbell chime tinkled like a cluster of seashells clinking together. It was a fitting choice for a beach house. Faith opened the door and I forgot to breathe. She was stunning.
Her eyes were round as she took in my appearance. She looked so discomfited that I took a second to scan myself ensuring that nothing had happened to me on the drive over. But no, I didn’t see anything out of place, and I got a feeling of déjà vu. She had given me that same defeated look when we first met at Perfect Ten.
A burst of nervous laughter escaped her. “I knew this was a bad idea.”
“Let me see. Come on, move, Faith!” A spunky brunette was hopping back and forth on the balls of her feet to get a look past Faith. “I want to see what I bought.” Yeah, I’ll have to assume she’s Faith’s friend, Grace.
As Faith did not vacate the spot she was standing in blocking Grace’s view, Grace pushed her aside to get a good look at me.
“Holy crap on a cracker. You’re perfect.” She grabbed Faith’s still silent form and tugged her back and forth. “He’s perfect, Faith! Your sisters will hate him.” She turned to me to explain. “That’s a good thing. Her sisters constantly make snide remarks, which are all ridiculously untrue. Jealous they are—the lot of them.”
In one word, Grace was awesome. I loved her. Faith finally found her voice and pulled her arms out of Grace’s grasp. “Hi, Joe. Come on in.” She turned around, leaving me to follow her, all the while trying to tug her dress up.
Jesus. I thought she looked incredible from the front, but that ass. Oh, my God, I was in for a night of torture, because unless I missed my guess, I was not going to be getting laid tonight. I sure was going to try though.
If you think about it, it wasn’t my fault that my mind was running in the direction it was. She was a walking wet dream in that dress. Every inch of it was sparkling like a perfectly cut diamond shining in the sun. From head to toe—well, more like breast to toe since it was a strapless creation—the dress was covered with thousands of sparkling sequins. A thick strip of rhinestones showcased her breasts and ran down her breast bone for about six inches. Her luscious breasts were practically falling out of the sculpted cups—to my eternal delight, while the deep v the rhinestones revealed a generous expanse of skin.
Oh, sweet Jesus. The slit running down her leg started at mid-thigh and gave tantalizing glimpses of flesh with every step she took. I seriously needed to toss one off before we left if I had any chance in hell of walking around without a hard-on all night.
“Christ.” Faith turned to me, looking like she might either burst into tears or kick me in the nuts. I turned my body a little to the right just in case she went for the latter.
“I know. You don’t have to say anything. This is what they like to do. Sassy picked this thing out, knowing I’d look like a stuffed sausage in it.” I was shocked. She thought she looked fat? She couldn’t be more wrong, but you know what impressed me the most? With her lip slightly trembling, she put her hands on her hips and tilted her chin up, challenging me to reply. That a girl.
That little pop of attitude further turned me on, and I now had a fully erect cock tenting my pants. My jacket was covering me for now, but I really needed to take care of it. There was only one way—actually, there were many, many ways, but only one that would work in that moment. “Can you please point me to your bathroom?”
“Why? Are you going to sneak out the window?”
“Absolutely not. I have something I need to take care of if I have any chance of not embarrassing you tonight. You in that dress…” My head involuntarily shook once as I slid a hot look over her body again. “Well, if you could point out the way to the bathroom, I’d appreciate it.”
Grace seemed like a firecracker, but even she gasped as she pointed down the hallway. Faith was standing at her side with her mouth hanging open, eyebrows arched high. As I walked quickly down the hall, I heard her say, “He … he wouldn’t, right? He’s not serious.” No doubt, she’d tell me to leave when I got out of the bathroom, and she’d have every right. But, like it or not, I was going to jack off—in her bathroom—wearing my tux—thinking about the things I’d like to do to her. It was the only way I could get that fucker down. I’ve already admitted that I am not the master of my dick.
I closed the bathroom door as I took my jacket off and rolled up my sleeves. The exhaust fan gave me a little bit of background noise, but I was worried it wasn’t going to be enough. I tend to be a groaner, even when I’m by myself. Tissues at the ready, I unbuttoned my pants, wincing as my hand brushed my sensitive cock. Pre-cum was already beginning to form on the head and I spread it around. Fuck.
It wasn’t going to take me long to get off. In my mind’s eye, I saw Faith’s breasts pushed up like an offering to me in that dress. They were just waiting for me to free them and take them into my mouth, making her nipples hard and swollen. Oh, yeah.
A couple more up and down strokes gave me more pre-cum to spread down my length. My fist started moving faster as I pictured her lifting her dress for me so that I could get my tongue on her sweet pussy. Down on my knees I went to take that first taste. As I imagined doing just that, I felt my balls tightening up and I stroked harder. Faster.
My breathing was uneven and I was getting close. Fuck, she would taste like the sweetest nectar heaven had to offer. I kept thinking about licking her, biting her clit, fucking her with my tongue, making her writhe and moan. Gripping my cock tight, I shot my load out into my waiting hand. I’m pretty sure the exhaust fan wasn’t loud enough to cover up the sound of my head banging back against the bathroom door as I came.
With the cum-soaked tissues flushed down the toilet, hands washed and my clothes put to rights, I walked back into the living room. Only about five minutes had gone by. See? I told you it wouldn’t take long.
“Ready?” I walked over to where Faith was standing, looking at me in total disbelief. It was glaringly clear they knew what I’d done. Her eyes flicked to mine as I lifted her chin to make her look at me. “If you haven’t figured it out yet, I think you look incredible, Faith.”
OH, DEAR GOD, I think Joe just jerked off in my bathroom. No, he couldn’t have really done that, right? Over me? That’s crazy. And a little creepy, isn’t it? Seriously. I don’t know how to feel about it. Should I just pretend I don’t know? He sure doesn’t seem to be trying to hide the fact that he just… just pleasured himself in my house! I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that it was kind of exciting—dirty, but exciting. Oh, my God.
Maybe he really is attracted to me. Stranger things have happened, right? I mean it’s not like I’m grotesquely overweight, and I don’t have a huge protruded stomach or anything. I’m just kind of big all over. Hips, butt, boobs. Maybe a little wider in the shoulders than other girls. Who am I kidding? I’m hideous. Especially dressed like a damn Halloween pumpkin. Orange is really not my color.
I wish I didn’t feel that way about myself, but I do. I’ve actually been in therapy before for my lack of self-esteem. Believe it or not, I’ve gotten better over the years. I no longer measure my entire self-worth by my dress size, but it’s still hard to love myself fully. I fear those negative feelings will always linger in my mind. The mirror is simply not my friend, and my therapist has said, more than once, that was my biggest road-block. If I could make peace with what I see in the mirror, I would be a happier person. I’m not sure if I believe that or not. I just know I haven’t been able to do it yet.
Anyway, I’m freaking out a little here. Joe’s holding his hand out, palm up, for me to take and all I can thin
k about is that I’m pretty sure he just had that hand wrapped around his cock. Holy shit!
He’s so flipping hot. I wish there was a better way to describe him. Even though I have four-inch heels on, I’m still half a foot shorter than he is. I like that. Everyone sees me as the sweet girl next door. And I am, but I have fantasies, too. To have that naked body over mine, heaving as he… Okay, enough of that.
“I… thank you. You look nice, too.” That was lame. “I mean really, really good.” Jesus, I hope I didn’t actually drool. This was a business transaction. I need to remember that. Business. Yeah…
Joe held my hand until we got to the car. As a matter of fact, he didn’t even let it go then. He continued to hold my hand as he opened the door. When I was seated, he finally released his hold, lightly kissing the back of my fingers as he did so. Walking around to the other side, he hopped into the driver’s seat and turned to me.
“Faith, I need to apologize for—” he waved his hand back toward the house.
Oh, heck no. I did not want to discuss that. “Let’s just not talk about that, okay?”
“No. I was way out of line. I mean, to go into your bathroom and—”
I quickly threw my hand up in front of him. Truly, I was not going to talk about him jerking off in my bathroom! My face flushed. I could feel it. I wasn’t entirely sure whether it was all embarrassment either. The little vixen inside of me conjured up pictures that I shouldn’t be thinking about on the way to my sister’s wedding.
My fantasies got the best of me sometimes. I remember being in a meeting at work and fantasizing about one of the auditors, Derrick, who was visiting from an insurance company we worked closely with.
Derrick was not what you would think of when you thought about an auditor. He had thick, black hair with the darkest eyes I’d ever seen. They looked black, and when he focused on you, you felt like you were the only person in the room.